20 November 2008

Genuine and fake

The real test is for one to invent the very image one must grow into, and not secretly borrow this image from some other source. But also: This image does not arise out of nothing, but processed out of the images given by others, by past, and even by the entire history of mankind. The more encompassing and rich the number and kinds of sources, the more genuine is the output. And for one who passes the test, this processing yields a whole which is not the sum of its parts.

17 November 2008


'Naturalism', like all shoulder-shrugging pieces of non-philosophy, appeals to something that is 'given' as a bare fact, in order to exclaim "this is how things are at bottom! So do not probe anymore!" Appeal to nature is always an appeal to fact on this account. 'Nature' or 'natural' means precisely that which invites no further criticism - Nature as this domain of innocence where something is what it appears to be; the angels of heaven are thus domesticated and brought down to the level of farmers and peasants.

A case study of the 'ascetic priest', as someone who is a master of instincts, but who nevertheless chooses to shepherd the herd, the case study of the possibility of this ambiguous type would bring about the ultimate refutation of such naturalist readings of Nietzsche. For no such ambiguity belongs to nature!

07 November 2008

Different strokes

What is commonly called 'misunderstanding' between two people is a cover-up for, and a result of, a misplaced amount of faith between them; or what amounts to the same, it is a consequence of a self-betrayal as to what the genuine distance between the two people is, regarding their respective ranks, tastes and styles. However being true to this distance and difference does not restore a better understanding. It only creates silence. A parable.
