Ever since his inception, man has tried to woo his woman. He fought battles and jealous desires, created artworks and nations, sang poems and laments, and sacrificed his wealth and his health. He had to, for women are loftier creatures - more subtle, more seductive, more beautiful, more graceful, more lighter, nobler and higher, at least according to the order of projection of things. In his innocent state, man sometimes even wonders silently whether women even walk on feet, whether they do not just glide away over thin air, whether they even cough or sneeze. How many steep mountains man climbs, how many inner demons he scares away, and how many stormy seas he swims - only to compensate for his lowliness, to bring himself up to the level of the woman, to seem worthy in her eyes! Like a monkey or a slave hoping to please his queen!
This gender warfare is translated into a curious racial warfare in the modern day. Consider the relatively high number of inter-racial couples under these qualifications - the man belongs to a non-white race (either Asian or African) and the woman is white; AND the non-white male is either a celebrity, or a rich tycoon, or is extremely handsome, and the white female is not necessarily someone the whole world has caught sight of, before she entered into her famous alliance. Kofi Annan, Tiger Woods, Rajiv Gandhi, Imran Khan, Bruce Lee, Sidney Poitier, Zakir Hussain to name a few - were (are) all exceptional men who were the best at what they did, and were perhaps the best their native cultures had to offer to the world, and who were (are) all (incidentally?) married to white women. (Now, there may not be any suggestive pattern behind this phenomenon, but then there just might be). These men were the best their respective cultures had to offer to the world - this means that these men necessarily stood out from out of their own cultures, they, quite literally, overflowed or superseded them - in search for and attracted to something other - in this case, something seemingly lighter (in every sense of this word!), loftier and holier, in the same way a man has always, quite naturally, sought and fought for his woman. Therefore, in this example, it is not so much that men are attracted to their women, but more that exceptional men of non-white races, due to a natural propensity, sought out women of the white race, even if the latter were not so exceptional. It is as if the outstanding credentials of these men serve as compensations for the racial difference! Another order of projection of things! Well then. One has to ask whether the female gender can be compared to the white race as a whole whereas as the male can be compared to the non-white races. A cultural question!